better late than never — phrase used for telling someone you are happy that they did something, but you wish they had done it earlier Thesaurus: late or too latesynonym Main entry: late * * * ˌbetter ˌlate than ˈnever idiom ( … Useful english dictionary
Better Late Than Never — can mean either:* Better Late Than Never (album), a 1996 album by The Slackers * Better Late Than Never (film), a 1982 film … Wikipedia
better late than never — This idiom suggests that doing something late is better than not doing it at all … The small dictionary of idiomes
better late than never — Cf. DIONYSIUS OF HALICARNASSUS Roman Antiquities ix. 9 κρϵȋττoν γάρ ἐστιν ὀψὲ ἄρξασθαι τὰ δέoντα πράττϵιν ἢ μηδέποτε, it is better to start doing what one has to late than not at all; LIVY Hist. IV. ii. potius sero quam nunquam. c 1330 in C.… … Proverbs new dictionary
better late than never — It is better to come or do something late than never. * /The firemen didn t arrive at the house until it was half burned, but it was better late than never./ * /Grandfather is learning to drive a car. Better late than never, he says./ Compare:… … Dictionary of American idioms
better late than never — It is better to come or do something late than never. * /The firemen didn t arrive at the house until it was half burned, but it was better late than never./ * /Grandfather is learning to drive a car. Better late than never, he says./ Compare:… … Dictionary of American idioms
better\ late\ than\ never — It is better to come or do something late than never. The firemen didn t arrive at the house until it was half burned, but it was better late than never. Grandfather is learning to drive a car. Better late than never, he says. Compare: half a… … Словарь американских идиом
better late than never — adverb Its better to do something late, than to never do it at all. Their insolence and recklessness must be opposed, and better late than never … Wiktionary
Better late than never. — something that you say which means it is better for someone or something to be late than never to arrive or to happen. Karen s card arrived 2 weeks after my birthday. Oh well, better late than never … New idioms dictionary
better late than never — it is better to arrive late than not to arrive You re an hour late, he said. Better late than never, I replied … English idioms